FB Pages Admin Roles

Facebook Roles

Page admins can have 5 different roles, each with different abilities. Only managers can change what kind of admin someone is. All admins are managers by default. 
The table below outlines the 5 admin roles (across) and what they’re able to do (down):

Manager Content Creator Moderator Advertiser Insights Analyst
Manage Admin Roles
Edit the Page and Add Apps
Create Posts as the Page
Respond to and Delete Comments
Send Messages as the Page
Create Ads
View Insights

How to Change Admin Roles on Facebook

Only managers can edit admins for a Page. To add another admin to your Page:

  1. Open your Page’s admin panel
  2. Click Edit Page
  3. From the left column menu, click Admin Roles
  4. Type the names of other people you’d like to add in the open field
  5. Click Manager below the name to choose what kind of admin you want to add
  6. Click Save Changes
To change what kind of admin someone is, follow the steps above but skip step 4. You’ll need to enter your password to confirm the change.